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AI Side Hustles

AI Side Hustles

AI Side Hustles: Your Shortcut to AI Income!

Unlock the potential of AI with our package—Ebook.. Turn AI into your income stream and play the main game with "AI Side Hustles" as your ally. Dive into the AI gold rush now!

The AI Side Hustles Package Includes The Following:

High-Quality eBook: "The AI Side Hustles" (49 Pages)

The eBook Includes The Following Chapters:

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 - Create a Profitable Faceless YouTube Channel using AI
  • Chapter 2 - Chapter 2. Create a Profitable Online Course Using AI Tools
  • Chapter 3 - Chapter 3. Use AI Tools to create Profitable Etsy Printables
  • Chapter 4 - Chapter 4. Create Children’s Story Books with AI Tools and Publish
    them on Amazon
  • Chapter 5 - Chapter 5. Using AI Tools for Profitable Affiliate Marketing
  • Chapter 6 - Chapter 6. Providing Copywriting Services using AI Tools
  • Conclusion

"AI Side Hustles Action Guide" is much more than a simple companion to the eBook - it's a tool to spark action, inspire progress, and track results.  

AI Side Hustles: Your Shortcut to AI Income!

Unlock the potential of AI with our package—Ebook.. Turn AI into your income stream and play the main game with "AI Side Hustles" as your ally. Dive into the AI gold rush now!

The AI Side Hustles Package Includes The Following:

High-Quality eBook: "The AI Side Hustles" (49 Pages)

The eBook Includes The Following Chapters:

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 - Create a Profitable Faceless YouTube Channel using AI
  • Chapter 2 - Chapter 2. Create a Profitable Online Course Using AI Tools
  • Chapter 3 - Chapter 3. Use AI Tools to create Profitable Etsy Printables
  • Chapter 4 - Chapter 4. Create Children’s Story Books with AI Tools and Publish
    them on Amazon
  • Chapter 5 - Chapter 5. Using AI Tools for Profitable Affiliate Marketing
  • Chapter 6 - Chapter 6. Providing Copywriting Services using AI Tools
  • Conclusion

"AI Side Hustles Action Guide" is much more than a simple companion to the eBook - it's a tool to spark action, inspire progress, and track results.  

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MwSt.({{ formatNumber(vatPercent, true) }}%):{{ asCurrency(vatAmountPreview, currencySign) }}
Produktpreis (inkl. MwSt):{{ asCurrency(totalBreakdown(currentPaymentPlan), currencySign) }}
Rabatt(Brutto):{{ asCurrency(discountGrossPreview(), currencySign) }}
Zu bezahlen (inkl. MwSt):{{ asCurrency(bruttoPriceWithDiscountPreview(), currencySign) }}
Testzeitraum von {{ product.trial_days }} Tage, Erste Zahlung {{ asCurrency(productBruttoAmount, currencySign) }} in {{ product.trial_days }} Tagen
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AI Side Hustles
AI Side Hustles
Dieses Produkt ist ausverkauft
Verfügbare Stückzahl:{{ inStockLeft }}
Zahlungsplan: {{summaryPaymentPlanTitle}}
Bruttopreis: {{ asCurrency(bruttoPricePreview, currencySign) }}
Rabatt(Brutto):{{ asCurrency(discountGrossPreview(), currencySign) }}
Nettopreis: {{ asCurrency(nettoPricePreviewWithDiscount, currencySign) }}
Netto Versandkosten: {{ asCurrency(shippingNettoAmountPreview, currencySign) }}
MwSt.({{ formatNumber(vatPercent, true) }}%):{{ asCurrency(vatAmountPreviewWithDiscount, currencySign) }}
Produktpreis (inkl. MwSt):{{ asCurrency(totalBreakdown(currentPaymentPlan), currencySign) }}
Zu bezahlen (inkl. MwSt):{{ asCurrency(bruttoPriceWithDiscountPreview(), currencySign) }}

{{ asCurrency(productOldPrice, currencySign) }}

Testzeitraum von {{ product.trial_days }} Tagen, rabatt {{ discountTrialDetails() }} Erste Zahlung {{ asCurrency(bruttoPriceWithDiscount, currencySign) }} in {{ product.trial_days }} Tagen
Testzeitraum von {{ product.trial_days }} Tage, Erste Zahlung {{ asCurrency(productBruttoAmount, currencySign) }} in {{ product.trial_days }} Tagen
Zahlungsplan: {{ addon.plan_name }}
Bruttopreis: {{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'bruttoPricePreview') }}
Rabatt(Brutto):{{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'discountGrossPreview') }}
Netto Versandkosten: {{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'shippingNettoAmount') }}
Nettopreis: {{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'nettoPricePreviewWithDiscount') }}
MwSt.({{ formattedAmount(addon.vatPercent) }}%):{{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'vatAmountPreviewWithDiscount') }}
Produktpreis (inkl. MwSt):{{ asCurrency(addonsTotalBreakdown(addon), currencySign) }}
Zu bezahlen (inkl. MwSt):{{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'bruttoPriceWithDiscount') }}{{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'bruttoPricePreview') }}
Anzahl der Folgeraten{{ addon.plan.payments_count }}
Summe (inkl. MwSt): {{ asCurrency(addonsTotalBreakdown(addon), currencySign) }}
Testzeitraum von {{ addon.trial_days }} Tagen, rabatt {{ addonDiscountTrialDetails(addon) }} Tage, Erste Zahlung {{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'bruttoPriceWithDiscount') }} in {{ addon.trial_days }} Tagen
Testzeitraum von {{ addon.trial_days }} Tage, Erste Zahlung {{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'bruttoPrice') }} in {{ addon.trial_days }} Tagen
Produktpreis (inkl. MwSt):{{ asCurrency(totalProductsPriceWithInstallmentFuturePayment, currencySign) }}
Zu bezahlen (inkl. MwSt):{{ asCurrency(totalBruttoAmountPreview, currencySign) }}
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