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Call Off The Chase (PST Master Course)

Call Off The Chase (PST Master Course)

Call Off The Chase (PST Master Course)

The Predation Substitute Master Course - Teach your Dog to Stop Hounding Wildlife and Start Enjoying More Freedom on Walks 

This course by Simone Mueller, the founder of Predation Substitute Training™ and renowned expert in anti-predation techniques, will show you how to stop your dog’s predatory chasing by teaching them focus and engagement with you, so you feel safe to explore the environment together.   

What predation is and why it is so important to your dog 

Useful solutions and exciting Predation Substitute Games your dog can play which give them an outlet for their predatory needs 

How to interrupt your dog’s predatory behaviour safely and ethically, without using force or aversive methods 

How to build a stronger bond and embark on a journey towards a happier, safer, and more fulfilling relationship with your dog 

With Simone’s comprehensive training program, you’ll have the flexibility to access the course material whenever and wherever you want, making it easier than ever to stop your dog’s predatory chasing behavior and grow your training in a cooperative, fun way. 

Save your seat and start your journey today! 🐾 

The Predation Substitute Master Course - Teach your Dog to Stop Hounding Wildlife and Start Enjoying More Freedom on Walks 

This course by Simone Mueller, the founder of Predation Substitute Training™ and renowned expert in anti-predation techniques, will show you how to stop your dog’s predatory chasing by teaching them focus and engagement with you, so you feel safe to explore the environment together.   

What predation is and why it is so important to your dog 

Useful solutions and exciting Predation Substitute Games your dog can play which give them an outlet for their predatory needs 

How to interrupt your dog’s predatory behaviour safely and ethically, without using force or aversive methods 

How to build a stronger bond and embark on a journey towards a happier, safer, and more fulfilling relationship with your dog 

With Simone’s comprehensive training program, you’ll have the flexibility to access the course material whenever and wherever you want, making it easier than ever to stop your dog’s predatory chasing behavior and grow your training in a cooperative, fun way. 

Save your seat and start your journey today! 🐾 

The product is out of stock
Available quantity:{{ inStockLeft }}
Net price:{{ asCurrency(nettoPricePreview, currencySign) }}
Net shipping price:{{ asCurrency(shippingNettoAmountPreview, currencySign) }}
Sales Tax({{ formatNumber(vatPercent, true) }}%):{{ asCurrency(vatAmountPreview, currencySign) }}
Total (Incl. Sales TAX):{{ asCurrency(bruttoPricePreview, currencySign) }}
Trial period of {{ product.trial_days }} day(s), First payment {{ asCurrency(productBruttoAmount, currencySign) }} in {{ product.trial_days }} day(s)

{{product.refund_possibility_days}} days


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{{ promocodeError['find_promo'] }}

Step 3: Order Overview

Step 4: Order Overview

This is a summary of your order
Call Off The Chase (PST Master Course)
Call Off The Chase (PST Master Course)
The product is out of stock
Quantity: {{ orderForm.products_quantity }}
Available quantity:{{ inStockLeft }}
Payment plan: {{summaryPaymentPlanTitle}}
Gross price: {{ asCurrency(bruttoPricePreview, currencySign) }}
Promo code discount(Gross):{{ asCurrency(discountGrossPreview(), currencySign) }}
Net price: {{ asCurrency(nettoPricePreviewWithDiscount, currencySign) }}
Shipping Net{{ asCurrency(shippingNettoAmountPreview, currencySign) }}
Sales Tax({{ formatNumber(vatPercent, true) }}%):{{ asCurrency(vatAmountPreviewWithDiscount, currencySign) }}
Charge (Incl. Sales TAX): {{ asCurrency(bruttoPriceWithDiscountPreview(), currencySign) }}

{{ asCurrency(productOldPrice, currencySign) }}

Trial period of {{ product.trial_days }} day(s), discount {{ discountTrialDetails() }} First payment {{ asCurrency(bruttoPriceWithDiscount, currencySign) }} in {{ product.trial_days }} day(s)
Trial period of {{ product.trial_days }} day(s), First payment {{ asCurrency(productBruttoAmount, currencySign) }} in {{ product.trial_days }} day(s)
Payment plan: {{ addon.plan_name }}
Gross price: {{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'bruttoPricePreview') }}
Promo code discount(Gross):{{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'discountGrossPreview') }}
Shipping Net{{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'shippingNettoAmount') }}
Net price: {{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'nettoPricePreviewWithDiscount') }}
Sales Tax({{ formattedAmount(addon.vatPercent) }}%):{{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'vatAmountPreviewWithDiscount') }}
Charge (Incl. Sales TAX): {{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'bruttoPriceWithDiscount') }}{{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'bruttoPricePreview') }}
Number Of Follow Up Rates{{ addon.plan.payments_count }}
Total (Incl. Sales TAX): {{ asCurrency(addonsTotalBreakdown(addon), currencySign) }}
Trial period of {{ addon.trial_days }} day(s), discount {{ addonDiscountTrialDetails(addon) }} day(s), First payment {{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'bruttoPriceWithDiscount') }} in {{ addon.trial_days }} day(s)
Trial period of {{ addon.trial_days }} day(s), First payment {{ getAddonTotalValue(addon, 'bruttoPrice') }} in {{ addon.trial_days }} day(s)
Charge (Incl. Sales TAX): {{ asCurrency(totalBruttoAmountPreview, currencySign) }}
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